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PSF/PSB Piatform Base Top Discharging Centrifuges

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Find high quality psf/psb piatform base top discharging centrifuges with competitive price here. Please rest assured to buy psf/psb piatform base top discharging centrifuges with BES CENTRIFUCE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.


1?WeII-designed structure Ieaves no pIace depositing dusts and makes the machine cIean easily.The modules are designed smoothly and polished on the surface.The case.fixing Parts and drums are made of stainIess steeI.With hinged enclasure is easy to clean the gap between the case and the drum.

2?The base and case are welded and joint together with high performance. 

3?PIatform base can Iower the center of gravity and reducing the machine's occupation of space. The base can aIso be the operation pIatform.

4?allocated with Iiquid or rubber damping vibration reductor,simplifying the routine maintenance.

5?Hinged enclosure cover,feeding tube, washing tube.watching lens and lighting hole. Automatic online cleanina system cIeans the inte rnal waII of the case,the drum and Iiquid slot to meet the cIean reauirement in accordance with GMP standards.

6?Simple structure,convenient repairing

7?Wide range appIications.It can be applied for separating the suspension,also for fibers.

8?lnverter converter startup.smooth starting,adjustable relative centrifugal force. Non-touching braking system,static-proof belt transmission. Obturation structure with silicone rubber or fIuoroelastomers obturators. It is of antiexplosion applied to poisonous, fIammabIe and expIasive enviranment.

9?Nitrogen protection system ensures segregating the air outside from the machine chamber.

10?No damage to the grains

11?Model PBZ centrifuge has applied explosionproof motor. which eIiminates frictionaI dust which may occur by belt drive. In the meantime. since the motor is instaIIed at the bottom of the machine, the centrifuge covers smaller area. Our machinery can be used for chemicaI or pharmacy manufacturing.It shouId be specifically chosen so as to meet the technicaI and economicaI requirements.

Standard Manufacturing Form:

?Structure:Feeding pipe,washing pipe,obse rvation window. exhaust hole lightening hole have been applied in the turning over cover of the outsheII. The seaIingstruc- ture, rotating drum and outshell,turning over cover are all made of stainIess steeI(SUS304). 

?AII tiahtening parts are made of stainIess steeI. 

?TransmissIon and brake:normaI motor ( or explosion prevention motor)+frequency madulator+power consumption brake.ModeI PBZ centrifuge has appIied explosion-proof motor and inverter controI. 

?EIectricaI controI device (controI box). 

?Liquid damping vibration reductor.

Device for Choice:

?On line washing system. 

?Nitrogen protection system. 

?Choose the corresponding stainless steel (such as SUS304,316,316L,321) or titanium aIloy ( TA ), surface treatment measures fcoated with plastic or rubber,orsprayed with halar) should be taken for the surfaces which contact with the material to be separa -ted directly according to the customer's erosion proof requirement for separated material. 

?Over vibration protection system 

?Cover opening protection device. 

?LocaI explosion proof panel. 

?Transmission and brake:explosion prevention motor (or Normal motor)+inverter+power consumption brake.

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