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Resin Bond Fickert Abrasives Stone for Granite Polishing

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7 YRS Quanzhou Xtar Diamond Tools Co.,Ltd

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Find high quality resin bond fickert abrasives stone for granite polishing with competitive price here. Please rest assured to buy resin bond fickert abrasives stone for granite polishing with Quanzhou Xtar Diamond Tools Co.,Ltd

Resin Bond Fickert Abrasives stone for granite polishing

1. Product Description of resin fickert abrasives for granite

Resin fickert is a resin bonded fickert abrasives brick in 140mm length for granite polishing. It is used mostly with diamond fickert or magnesite fickert to do calibration and then start grinding and polishing with resin bond fickert abrasives in the line polishing machine.

Compared to magnesite fickert, resin fickert is longer in life and less stone waste to be generated during polishing. Because of longer life from the resin abrasives, the operators will not need to replace new abrasive stone frequently and save more labor cost. It is a great substitute for magnesite fickert, which is highly efficient, long lifetime and environmental friendly.

2. Product Specification of Diamond Resin Fickert for Granite

Product Type

Abrasives Bond

Grit Size



Resin Fickert

Resin Bond




Granite Polishing

3. Product Application of Resin Fickert abrasives for line polishing machine

Diamond Resin Fickert is more in use on automatic line polishing machine for granite and they are used also on 1-3 head bridge automatic polishing machines and manual radial arm polishing machines in some markets. The resin bond formula will be somehow different for manual machine and automatic machine, so be sure to tell your suppliers about your machine before ordering.


4. How to choose the right abrasives tools for granite line polishing machines?

Granite polishing lines are mostly with 12-16 heads polishing heads, more in 16 heads and 20 heads. More head in use, more sufficient polishing on granite and the chance to get higher quality polishing is higher.

For granite polishing, there is three different bonds of fickert abrasives in use, diamond metal bond fickert abrasives, magnesite bond fickert abrasive stone and resin bond fickert bricks for calibration to fine polishing and these three abrasive bricks could be subsititue to each other and therefore with different sequences for choices.

Solution #

Granite Calibration

Granite Grinding

Granite Polishing


Magnesite Fickert

Magnesite Fickert

Magnesite Fickert


Diamond Fickert

Magnesite Fickert

Magnesite Fickert


Diamond Fickert

Resin Fickert

Resin Fickert


Diamond Fickert

Magnesite Fickert

Resin Fickert


Magnesite Fickert

Magnesite+Resin Fickert

Resin Fickert

1) All sequences with magnesite bond fickert abrasives, from grit size 16# to 1800#, from calibration to fine polishing

2) Diamond Fickert for calibration and magnesite bond for grinding and polishing

3) Diamond Fickert for calibration and Resin Bond abrasives brick for grinding and polishing

4) Diamond Fickert for calibration, magnesite bond abrasive stone for grinding and use resin bond for fine polishing

5) Magnesite fickert abrasives for calibration and grinding and resin bond abrasive fickert for fine polishing

Different choices on abrasives bond will bring different polishing quality and polishing cost, and it is greatly related to local market tools choice. Some markets are preferring magnesite bond abrasives while some others in use of diamond and resin fickert.

Tags and Keywords

Granite abrasives, granite abrasives stone, abrasives stone for granite, resin fickert, resin fickert abrasives, resin fickert for granite, resin granite abrasives, resin fickert brick, resin fickert block, resin bond granite abrasives, resin abrasives for granite, granite resin abrasives, granite polishing resin fickert, granite polishing resin abrasives

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