Product Details

Waist High Turnstiles YL121

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7 YRS Shenzhen General Systems Co., Ltd

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Product Details

Find high quality waist high turnstiles yl121 with competitive price here. Please rest assured to buy waist high turnstiles yl121 with Shenzhen General Systems Co., Ltd

Product Description

The GS series of tripod turnsties are designed to contro pedestrians entering or exiting security controed areas. The standard mode has an aise (ane) width of 520mm and the maximum of the ane can be 600mm.

The GS tripod turnsties design can be used in bi-directiona contro appications with high voume pedestrian traffic. This unit has been designed to provide a cost effective anti-taigating pedestrian soution utiizing a tri-arm bar configuration with 3*120°movement.

Function: Passage in both directions, eectronicay controabe

Mechanism: Contro of the Tripod operation is achieved by an eectro-mechanica head mechanism ocated within the top section of the turnstie casework. It comprises the foowing standard features:

 A positive ock action that prevents two passages at one time

 Sef centering mechanism to ensure compete rotation of the mechanism to the home position

 Anti-backup device to prevent reverse rotation once the mechanism has moved 60°from home

Main Technica Parameters

1. Passage Width:=600mm, Max. 45 passengers/min

2. Externa Dimension: 1200x280x980mm

3. Votage: AC85-265V, 50HZ, Motor: 0.5N•M/24V DC

4. Input: Dry Contact

5. Communication Interface: Standard RS485; Communication Range =1200M

6. Working Environment Temperature: -25?—+65?, Indoor and Outdoor use IP54


7. Noise eve < 55dBA; Reative Humidity < 95%, without dew

8. Fauts sef-detection and fire aarm drop arm interface

9. Different working status reaized by different mechanica structure for option

 one way by card reading/one way no entry

 doube ways by card reading

 one way card reading/one way freey (w/ or w/o pushing button)

 doube ways freey (w/ or w/o pushing button)

10. With standard RS485 communication interface

11. With ED direction indication

12. Systems automaticay reposition if passenger does not pass in reguated time, defaut setting 10s with memory function for card reading

13. Passed 3,000,000 continuous test without faiure

14. GS Series tripod turnsties can be eaiy inferface with:

· Biometric Integration

· Card Readers

· Coin/token Acceptors

· Computer Attendance Systems / Ticket Scanners

· Eectronic / CD Counters

· Push-Button and Wireess Remotes

Card Reader Mounting

Surface mounting ony of customer suppied readers

Status ights

Upon authorization a Green arrow wi iuminate in the direction of passage authorization whist in the opposite direction a Red Cross symbo wi iuminate to indicate the unit is not avaiabe for use or is aready in use.

Push Button Control

Simpe Push Button Consoe

Usage Counters(Optional)

It is avaiabe to cacuate automaticay the number of personne passing through the passage and to dispay directy in ED for the administrator, who can understand ceary the personne passing in a certain direction.

Drop Arm

In the event of an emergency or isoation of the power suppy the horizonta tripod arm wi drop automaticay to create a cear wakway for escape.

Mechanica Operation

Non-eectrica unit aowing free movement in one direction- reverse direction ocked

Fire Control

It has far end contro function for down/up rod to meet the specia requirements of the users and the fire contro

Card Reading W/O Memory

It has a function of reading card with or without memory, and it may be set up with the buit-in sma keyboard in accordance with the requirements of the users

Users Incude

Government Retai/Finance/Teecommunications/Information Technoogy /Banking /Pubishing

eisure/Petrochemica/Education etc.

Layout Diagram

Tripod Turnstie Integration

Instaation Images

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